Computing: Disks

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How to Make an ISO image Lizard Fixes

Some archival material is stored in a separate page at disks-old.xml.


Keeping track of disk drives is almost as much as a headache as keeping track of systems. So here is a tally of disks, currently not up-to-date, but which will be added to as more info comes to hand.

Most disks are mounted on spencer, unless otherwise noted.

Name Size Brand Serial Number UUID Usage Notes
3001 3TiB Seagate W7301YK7 cfa0e34b-be2d-41a9-b0f5-56fb03925a36 spencer: Pictures
4002 4Tib WD WD-WCC7K3CE9AX4 30c9b924-cf4b-4043-9cfa-5eac28eb1843 newport-Pictures
4003 4Tib WD WD-WCC7K0FLK5HF 1e684134-1cf7-474b-ad2d-4ad699248ca5 spencer-liz-chunk1
4004 4Tib WD WCC7K5XZJCFN 5a033727-7016-4a77-936a-aed60a0200a6 spencer-liz-chunk1
4005 4Tib ? NA4K7NNQ e54a6da5-415f-42cb-99fc-1736081da97d newport external miscellaneous storage
6003 6TiB Seagate Z4D3GYM0 a4546de6-206b-4124-ae03-ec19cb19390c spencer-liz-chunk3
6004 6TiB Seagate Z4D3H60B 6e0bc74a-f372-43da-b167-f1d8dca33adc spencer-liz-chunk12
6005 6TiB Toshiba 487PK02HFB8G 0070afdf-6bb5-4714-973b-8dadc8411cc2 spencer-liz-chunk4
6006 6TiB Toshiba 4872K01FFB8G 125328d4-ccad-4b45-ad92-3c41c756c878 spencer-liz-chunk10
6009 6TiB Seagate Skyhawk ZCT26M2N fbad107d-e9a9-4915-bb44-a0a354c036f3 spencer-liz-chunk2 Replacement disk for 6007
6010 6TiB Seagate Skyhawk ZCT2A6TT f03b4315-feba-4bca-931b-a49f2d1390bf spencer-liz-chunk7 Replacement disk for 6008
6011 6TiB WD Red WD-C812PXJG 6fdce28b-36ff-4e29-9609-eccb5de33471 spencer-liz-chunk11 purchased 20210903
6012 6TiB WD Red not yet installed purchased 20210903
6013 6TiB WD Purple WX32DB1AROXU 1f7ae87f-170a-45d5-b535-a6daebaa2249 spencer-liz-chunk11 purchased 20220518, replaces 4001
6014 6TiB WD Purple WX12DB1N4728 7a3747fb-58bb-46c3-8d3d-fe50d3265790 spencer-liz-chunk purchased 20220518, replaces 6001
8001 8TiB WD VJHBKE8X 37357dd6-562c-489c-9314-f68dc223bc87 spencer-liz-chunk5
8002 8TiB WD VJHBV18X fddcf55d-5b31-4c3d-8695-7d342cb3eca8 spencer-liz-chunk6 Removed from spencer 20230526, fsck'ed and mounted on geelong as experiment
8004 8TiB WD VKJYYG7Y 4255eaf6-bdd7-4a2d-99ff-f47d7d298e84 spencer-liz-chunk8 Removed from spencer 20240228, fsck'ed and mounted on geelong as experiment
8005 8TiB WD VRJU6S4N 5212aab4-e694-4e6e-a92d-052d6abede26 newport-8005: backup, Pictures, Videos
8006 8TiB WD spencer-liz-chunk1
8007 8TiB WD CA2592SK newport-8007: /home
12001 12TiB WD D7G08DYN 386fc600-4c9d-42a8-ac8e-50f84f09caca spencer-liz-chunk6 purchased 20230526, replaces 8002
18001 18TiB WD geelong-seaweed-disk1 purchased 20240128
18002 18TiB Seagate geelong-seaweed-disk2 purchased 20240128
18003 18TiB WD 4ZGZWULV geelong-seaweed-disk3 purchased 20240128
18004 18TiB Seagate ZR5E3RFJ geelong-seaweed-disk4 purchased 20240128
18005 18TiB Toshiba Z3LOA02GF1EJ geelong-seaweed-disk5 purchased 20240228
18006 18TiB Toshiba Z3M0A012F1EJ spencer-place-holder purchased 20240228
321 320GiB Seagate 5QF2XA15 5acebdee-ba21-11e8-beae-107b44eb5723 offline has an old system (type/version unknown)
501 500GiB WD WD-WCAS84337265 c6e9c3a3-01fc-403c-b13d-f75422d17818 offline keep this disk, has previous ubuntu 18.04
Seattle2 8TiB Seagate NA7HF5D6 7c421b3c-39f4-3bc5-b814-9edcc5d0a069 Mac OSX backup, Pictures, Movies Newport
Backup 8TiB NA7DX84E e659c888-e639-4cb6-b15a-c48217f64dbb ajh backup Newport

Spencer Disk Farm

1 2 3 4 Notes
e unused unused unused unused unused slots have no power or sata connexions
d 6013 8006 spare 18006 (spare replacing 4003 temporarily)
c 6014 6011 6003 6004
b 6005 6006 6009 spare (spare replacing 6010 temporarily)
a 6010 12001 spare spare

Geelong Disk Farm

1 2 3 4 Notes
d 18001 18002 18003 18004
c spare spare spare spare power, but no sata connexions as yet
b spare spare spare spare
a spare spare spare spare
e unused unused unused unused no power or sata connexions as yet

Top Level Allocations

device identifier partitions system usage
nvme0n1 nvme0n1p1, nvme0n1p2 spencer boot, /
3001 - spencer Pictures, Videos
4002 - newport Pictures, Videos
8007 - newport /home
backup - newport /mnt/backup
- spencer lizard file system
2001 - - CassetteTapes
4001, 6001 - - spare - has disk errors

Seaweed File System

20240211:105718 first installation

Name Mount Serial UUID Purchased Notes
18001 20240128
18002 20240128
18003 4ZGZWULV 20240128
18004 ZR5E3RFJ 20240128
18005 Toshiba Z3L0A02GF1EJ 20240228
18006 Toshiba Z3M0A012F1EJ 20240228

New Lizard Structure

20181024, revised 20200514, 20210905, 20220523, 20230526, 20240723 (not confirmed)

Name Chunk
Mount Position Serial UUID Chunks Dir Notes
8006 s-1 s-8006 d41a39a0-c6a6-4eee-b932-ef7baad604cd /mnt/8006/lizdat
18006 s-1 s-18006 07158ed2-c877-4ef8-b8c5-5d722e9506c0 /mnt/18006/lizdat
6009 s-2 s-6009 s:b2 ZCT26M2N fbad107d-e9a9-4915-bb44-a0a354c036f3 /mnt/6009/lizdat2
6003 s-3 s-6003 s:b3 Z4D3GYM0 a4546de6-206b-4124-ae03-ec19cb19390c /mnt/6003/lizdat
6005 s-4 s-6005 s:c3 487PK02HFB8G 0070afdf-6bb5-4714-973b-8dadc8411cc2 /mnt/6005/lizdat2
8001 s-5 s-8001 s:a1 VJHBKE8X 37357dd6-562c-489c-9314-f68dc223bc87 /mnt/8001/lizdat
12001 s-6 s-12001 s:a2 D7G08DYN 386fc600-4c9d-42a8-ac8e-50f84f09caca /mnt/12001/lizdat added 230526
6010 s-7 s-6010 s:a3 ZCT2A6TT f03b4315-feba-4bca-931b-a49f2d1390bf /mnt/6010/lizdat server not running
8004 s-8 s-8004 s:a4 VKJYYG7Y 4255eaf6-bdd7-4a2d-99ff-f47d7d298e84 /mnt/8004/lizdat server not running
6006 s-10 s-6006 s:c4 4872K01FFB8G 125328d4-ccad-4b45-ad92-3c41c756c878 /mnt/6006/lizdat
6013 s-11 s-6013 s:d1 WX32DB1AROXU 1f7ae87f-170a-45d5-b535-a6daebaa2249 /mnt/6013/lizdat added 20220523
6004 s-12 s-6004 s:b4 Z4D3H60B 6e0bc74a-f372-43da-b167-f1d8dca33adc /mnt/6004/lizdat
6011 s-13 s-6011 s:c2 WD-C812PXJG 6fdce28b-36ff-4e29-9609-eccb5de33471 /mnt/6011/lizdat added 20210903
6014 s-14 s-6014 s:c1 WX12DB1N4728 7a3747fb-58bb-46c3-8d3d-fe50d3265790 /mnt/6014/lizdat added 20220523
Chunk Total Disk disks
1-sp 26TB 8006,18006
2-sp 6TB 6009
3-sp 6TB 6003
4-sp 6TB 6005
5-sp 8TB 8001
6-sp 12TB 12001
7-sp 6TB 6010
8-sp 8TB 8004
10-sp 6TB 6006
11-sp 6TB 6013
12-sp 6TB 6004
13-sp 6TB 6011
14-sp 6TB 6014
total 126TB (87TiB)

Some useful configuration information about setting up LizardFS can be found at

Geelong Weed System

The Geelong Weed system is a multi-disk redundant storage system under development. We are using a new 20-bay hot-swap disk farm (named geelong) to support this project.

This is part of the hardware we are to use: HBA 12Gbs x 16 ports

Disks by Mount Point (spencer)

BUT see also next section!

mount point disk label disk size manufacturer serial no.
/dev/nvme0n1 256GB Samsung S2GLNCAGA00614J
/dev/sda 4004 4TB Western Digital WD-WCC7K5XZJCFN
/dev/sdb 4001 4TB Western Digital WD-WCC7K6FXJD11
/dev/sdc 6001 6TB Western Digital WD-WX81D65502ZP
/dev/sdc 4003 4TB Western Digital WD-WCC7K0FLK5HF
/dev/sdf 12001 12TB Western Digital D7G08DYN
/dev/sdg 6005 6TB Toshiba 487PK02HFB8G
/dev/sdh 6006 6TB Toshiba 4872K01FFB8G
/dev/sdi 6009 6TB Seagate Skyhawk ZCT26M2N
/dev/sdj 6010 6TB Seagate Skyhawk ZCT2A6TT
/dev/sdj 6011 6TB Western Digital Red
/dev/sdl 8001 8TB Western Digital Red VJHBKE8X
/dev/sdm 6004 6TB Seagate NAS Z4D3H60B
/dev/sdn 6003 6TB Seagate NAS Z4D3GYM0
/dev/sdp 8004 8TB Western Digital Red VKJYYG7Y

Disks by Device Name (Spencer)

This table relates to disks on the spencer disk farm only, and was generated by my script at 20240723:135157

/dev/sda LABEL="6013" UUID="1f7ae87f-170a-45d5-b535-a6daebaa2249" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/6013 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdb LABEL="18006" UUID="07158ed2-c877-4ef8-b8c5-5d722e9506c0" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/18006 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdc LABEL="8006" UUID="d41a39a0-c6a6-4eee-b932-ef7baad604cd" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/8006 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdd LABEL="6004" UUID="6e0bc74a-f372-43da-b167-f1d8dca33adc" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/6004 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdg LABEL="6011" UUID="6fdce28b-36ff-4e29-9609-eccb5de33471" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/6011 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdh LABEL="6014" UUID="7a3747fb-58bb-46c3-8d3d-fe50d3265790" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/6014 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdi LABEL="6006" UUID="125328d4-ccad-4b45-ad92-3c41c756c878" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/6006 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdj LABEL="6009" UUID="fbad107d-e9a9-4915-bb44-a0a354c036f3" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/6009 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdl LABEL="6005" UUID="0070afdf-6bb5-4714-973b-8dadc8411cc2" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/6005 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdo LABEL="12001" UUID="386fc600-4c9d-42a8-ac8e-50f84f09caca" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/12001 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdp LABEL="8001" UUID="0e938631-dd26-447c-b095-4cd66f708c76" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/8001 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)

Disks by Device Name (Geelong)

/dev/sda LABEL="18001" UUID="72819300-3e8f-4e4c-a914-330853463f96" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/18001 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/sdb LABEL="18002" UUID="63ff0204-3228-4757-a051-7ca6fb4b3742" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/18002 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/sdc LABEL="18003" UUID="b04e917a-dc15-4975-aa82-c3c71aad8861" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/18003 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/sdd LABEL="18004" UUID="e076b613-e748-46ae-89dc-9afb9ea9fe7b" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" on /mnt/18004 type ext4 (rw,relatime)

Other Current Disks

Name Size Format Manufacturer Type Notes
A4 1TB ext4 Seagate 3.5" external backup disk for everton
Black5 1.5TB Time Machine 3.5" external for Barb's new MacAir

Other Obsolete Disks

Name Size Format Manufacturer Type Notes
K190 80GB HFS Samsung 3.5" external USB mini5, Firewire 400 Apple_HFS, partition 3 Ext4
Rx224 60GB HFS Momobay 3.5" external USB mini5, Firewire 400 Mac Partition Map (?)
5914 60GB HFS Momobay 3.5" external USB mini5, Firewire 400 Mac OSX backup drive
Challenger 750GB HFS Maxtor external unknown appears to have a MacOSX system on it
Mouse 160GB HFS Western Digital 3.5" external unknown appears to have a MacOSX system on it
A3 1TB HFS Seagate 3.5" external unknown Mac OSX backup drive
504 500GB HFS Samsung 3.5" external unknown backup disk
QuatreRoues 2TB ext4 Western Digital external unknown backup disk
Pclass 4TB HFS Western Digital external unknown backup disk
Northern 500GB HFS Maxtor external hfs backup disk


Naming a Disk

To (re)name a disk using Ubuntu, use:

          e2label /dev/sdx name
where /dev/sdx is the device name, and name is the desired disk name.

Also a reminder to setup /etc/fstab to auto mount the disk if required.

Finding the serial number of a disk

If the disk is mounted then (substitute disk mount point for /dev/sd?):

          smartctl -a /dev/sd? | grep Serial
will do the trick. Leaving out the | grep Serial will print heaps of information about the disk, including the serial number.

Alternatively, try this:

          lsblk -n -o SERIAL /dev/sd?

Lizard Fixes

Dirty Disks

If you get the message temporary metadata file exists, metadata directory is in dirty state on starting the lizardfs master service, then chances are there is a metadata file that needs removing:

          # rm /var/lib/lizardfs/metadata.mfs.tmp
Once removed, you can try restarting the master.service

Cleaning up lizard

To remove corrupted files, use the command:

          lizardfs-admin list-defective-files localhost 9421 --unavailable >~/unavails.txt
Then use a script to run through the files identified to remove them:
          for f in `cat ~/unavails.txt` ; do rm $f ; echo $f ; done

Procedure for replacing disks on lizard

This assumes that the lizard file system is running, that one (or more) disks are showing signs of needing replacement, and that new replacement disks are to hand.

  1. mark the disk needing replacement
  2. when the disk is showing few chunks remaining, it should be removed from the appropriate mfshdd configuration file mfshddY.cfg. Then systemctl reload lizardfs-chunkserverX.service, where X is the appropriate mfschunkserverX.cfg file containing mfshddY.cfg
  3. Once reloaded, the faulty disk can be unmounted and removed
  4. Install the new disk, and mkfsext4 /dev/sdZ, where Z is the disk drive number
  5. Create a new mount point for the new disk drive mkdir /mnt/MP (where MP is an appropriate name), and then mount the disk mount /dev/sdZ /mnt/MP
  6. Create a lizard data directory on this disk, and make it owned by the lizardfs file system. mkdir /mnt/MP/LIZDAT (where LIZDAT) is an appropriate name), and then add this directory to the appropriate mfshdd and lizardfs-chunkserver configuration files.
  7. Reload the lizardfs-chunkserverX.service. The new disk should now appear in the lizard disk list on the lizard info web page, and it should start collecting chunks, as lizard utilises the new-found space to rebalance its chunk load.
  8. At this stage, you can give the new disk a name: e2label /dev/sdZ diskname
  9. You should also add the disk to /etc/fstab to ensure that it is mounted on reboots.

Restoring lizard version 3.12.0

From time to time, the system may get upgraded without flagging the lizard client as exempt from upgrade. This causes lizard mounting to break, and needs to be repaired by reverting to the old version of the lizard client that is compatible with the version running on spencer, viz., 3.12.0. Here are the steps:

  1. apt remove lizardfs-client
  2. apt remove lizardfs-client3
  3. sudo apt update
  4. sudo apt dist-upgrade
  5. sudo apt install ca-certificates gnupg lsb-release
  6. sudo mkdir -p /root/.gnupg
  7. sudo chmod -R u+rwX,go= /root/.gnupg
  8. sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/keyrings
  9. sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/lizardfs-archive-keyring.gpg --keyserver hkps:// --receive-keys 0x87026F04A1B61746
  10. sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/lizardfs-archive-keyring.gpg
  11. echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/lizardfs-archive-keyring.gpg] focal/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lizardfs.list > /dev/null
  12. sudo apt update
  13. sudo apt install lizardfs-client=3.12.0
  14. mfsmount -H spencer /lizard # this will take a long time to complete!

Decommissioned Disks

Name Size Brand Serial Number UUID Usage Notes
2001 2TiB Seagate 5XW1YQJL ae251851-f4c6-4365-a17d-5af55f3a04bf newport: /home decommissioned: was giving impending disaster warnings
2002 2TiB ? ? 4c68b9e5-eb26-47c8-9f52-0a0a09b3af13 The fate of this disk is currently unknown
4001 4Tib WD WCC7K6FXJD11 4e0ca9e2-6c08-44ce-ab0c-fc2c4d5df1d7 decommissioned - disk errors
6001 6Tib WD WX81D65502ZP 1bbdb01e-a4e4-4e2c-beb3-61ce93b17a5d decommissioned - disk errors
6002 6TiB WD WX81D65503J8 ad6d9f61-7840-44f4-80a2-567a7bc1ca7f - This disk has unrecoverable errors and has been decommissioned.
6007 6TiB WD WX61DC947852 dbbbff4b-f479-4420-be63-b7d837fdc8d3 - This disk has unrecoverable errors and has been decommissioned.
6007 6TiB WD WX61DC9CCPA2 2cde2137-0005-4b78-a881-214eec49a23c - Same story. This disk showed numerous disk errors, and is now decommissioned, along with its number. Note: in retrospect, it was a mistake to reuse the disk number (6007). However, since both versions of the disks showed the same behaviour, this no longer seems critical to the nomenclature (replacement disk numbered as 6009).
6008 6TiB WD WX61DC9CC76E eb13ac25-aba6-4804-8a5e-123a87cd6391 - This disk was purchased in Mar 2020, but was found to exhibit numerous disk errors, and was replaced under warranty.
6008 6TiB WD WX61DC947L1R d0a87069-e77a-491b-982f-e900204ad081 - Same story as for 6007, both versions (replacement disk numbered as 6010).
8003 8TiB WD VKKN3MJY 1bf7204f-37ed-4ec5-a294-f2f525d45b09 spencer-liz-chunk9 throwing disk errors, 20240904
Pclass 4TiB WD 8174b64b-62b6-45ab-b791-3bd2507b23d1 ext4 device descriptor read/8, error -110: Removed 20240824

Disk Economy Metrics

Model Size Cost Metric Warranty
Seagate BarraCuda 8 215 26.88 2
Seagate IronWolf 8 279 34.88 3
Seagate Ironwolf Pro 16 585 36.56 5
Western Digital WD Red Plus 8 299 37.38 3
Seagate IronWolf Pro 22 829 37.68 5
WD Ultrastar DC HC550 16 649 40.56 5
Western Digital WD 4 168 42.00 3
Western Digital WD Red Plus 6 265 44.17 3
WD Purple Pro Surveillance 12 539 44.92 5
Seagate Exos X1 18 999 55.50 5

Document History

20210903:122043 ajh 1.2.0 added new disk 6011 and revised various sections to bring up to date
20210905:200513 ajh 1.2.1 bring accuracy of document up to date
20220523:125223 ajh 1.2.2 removed 4001 and 6001, and added 6013 and 6014
20230526:170858 ajh 1.2.3 replaced 8002 with 12001, and updated all tables
20240824:165411 ajh 1.3.0 add geelong disk farm, move decommissioned disks to end, other updates
This page is copyright, and maintained by John Hurst. 74 accesses all since
05 Apr 2022
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